Dr. Yuslenita Muda, S,Si., M.Sc.
NIP. 19770103 200710 2 001
Email : yuslenita.muda@uin-suska.ac.id
Wakil Dekan Bidang Kemahasiswaan dan Kerjasama
Tingkat | Nama Lembaga | Jurusan/ Program Studi |
SD | SDN 020 Cinta Raja, Pekanbaru | |
SMP | SMPN 1 Rengat, Inhu | |
SMA | SMAN 1 Rengat, Inhu | Fisika |
S1 | FMIPA, Universitas Riau | Matematika |
S2 | FMIPA, Universitas Gadjah Mada | Matematika |
S3 | Mathematical Science, University of Essex, United Kingdom | Applied Mathematics |
Oh Allah, when I lose my hopes and plans, help me remember that your love is greater than my disappointments, and your plans for my life are better than my dreams. – Ali bin Abi Thalib
Ya Allah, saat aku kehilangan harapan dan rencana, tolong ingatkan aku bahwa cinta-Mu jauh lebih besar daripada kekecewaanku, dan rencana yang Engkau siapkan untuk hidupku jauh lebih baik daripada impianku. – Ali bin Abi Thalib
Struggle that you do today is the single way to build a better future
Perjuangan yang kamu lakukan hari ini merupakan cara untuk membangun kualitas yang lebih baik di hari esok.
NO. | Judul | Jenis Publikasi |
1 | Justification of the discrete nonlinear Schrodinger equation from a parametrically driven damped nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation and numerical comparisonshttps://www.sciencedirect.com/ |
Jurnal Scopus Q2 |
2 | Reduction of damped, driven Klein- Gordon equations into a discrete nonlinear Schr¨odinger equation: justification and numerical comparisons
https://www.iospress.com/catalog/journals/asymptotic-analysis |
Jurnal Scopus Q2 |
3 | A new fourth- order Runge- Kutta method based on the power mean
Proceeding terindeks Scopus |
4 | Modification of Fourth order Runge- Kutta Method for Kutta Form With Geometric Means
Jurnal terindeks Sinta 5 |
5 | Nilai Ketakteraturan Total dari Tiga Copy Graf Bintang
Jurnal terindeks Sinta 4 |
6 | Mathematical model of dengue control with control of mosquito larvae and mosquito affacted by climate change
Jurnal terindeks Sinta 3 |
7 | Trace of positive integer power of squared special matrix
Jurnal terindeks Sinta 2 |
8 | Aplikasi Matriks Leslie Untuk Memprediksi Jumlah Dan Laju Pertumbuhan Perempuan Di Provinsi Riau Pada Tahun 2017